Friday, February 09, 2007

Book Typographie Assignment SVA.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I love typography. I registered to a class last september to learn about it. After 2 sessions, I decided to give up. It was not challenging enough.
One assignment : A logo for Bobby Flay restaurant.
it's tough to look at old work. I wish I could then have done better.

December 9th, 2006 the beginning of everything.... It was Manon's birthday. She was my source of inspiration. A sleep over with 5 little girls talking incessantly until 3 am. I should thank them.
Note: Don't be fooled: these paintings are very small. It was too intimidating to start big. Plus I had no material. I made these with the gouache of my children.
Dear all,
I've been moonlighting for one month to practise graphic design and fine arts. It's a beginning. I have to keep going at it if I want to become really good. There are out there a lot of really good -young- designers and painters.
Here is the work I've done so far in January (except for the Zubi Logos). Each week, I've been trying to create new designs and drawings.
It's bliss.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I've experimented with the mouse. Not easy to move it smoothly. I think I am going to buy a pen tablet.

Red District; between clients, an Indian prostitute finds the time to read.

My first painting of a person. I had a photograph which I tried to replicate. Not easy. I have to take Brian's class.

I was asked to do a business cards and letterhead for a lawyer.
It was an opportuity to learn Illustrator and Photoshop. I also had to learn how to prepare a file for a printer. In design we always forget that production side of it which is so important.

25 posters assignment. Class at SVA.

25 posters assignment. Class at SVA.

Assignment. 25 posters. SVA.

Project for SVA. Part of 25 posters assignment.

1st assignement for my graphic design school. "What do you like doing at work and let's have you paid for it".

I worked this one over and over again. I find the end result interesting. The colrs are not easy to like.

I liked the composition of a photo. I wanted to work on it. The end result was something COMPLETELY surprising. I discovered a style. Not for everyone.

An angel doing trapeze. After all these beings need to have fun a bit.
This painting makes me smile.
pS: I added threads to do the "trapeze" effect...