Friday, May 23, 2008

This is the most ambitious (by its size) painting I ever did. It took me a while to figure out what to do with it. The relationship between body/space/painting is very different for big painting than for smaller format which you can put on your table and view as a whole as you work on it. When a painting is bigger you need to step back and you need fluidity of movement. And you need more space. The proportions are also different. Anyway, it was a new experiment and of course I did it at school which was stressfull at first.

School is off for a week. I brought back my stuff home. Hopefully I'll be able to paint often.


PS: Painting is acrylic on wood.


Anonymous said...

Splendide ! :)


Anonymous said...

c'est quoi les dimensions ? c'est magnififique hélène